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Case Results

When choosing an attorney to represent you in a car or truck accident case, you want someone with proven results. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place. At Beck & Beck Attorneys, we’ve recovered compensation for countless clients injured in crashes they didn’t cause. Browse our results to learn how we resolved past cases.

Have You Been Injured In A Missouri Car Accident?

If you’ve been injured in a Missouri car accident you should speak with an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our office directly at 314.470.4928 to schedule a free consultation. We help car accident victims throughout the state of Missouri including Columbia, Springfield, Kansas City, St. Louis, Kirksville and Cape Girardeau.

$2M Settlement: Auto Accident
$750k Settlement: Auto Accident
$950k Settlement: Auto Accident


$2.5M Settlement: Auto Accident


$950k Settlement: Auto Accident


$625k Settlement: Auto Accident


Our client was a wonderful, hard-working single mother. She was a passenger in a vehicle that drove off the road while the driver was driving erratically. She sustained injuries to her lower back and underwent injections to reduce her pain.

Our client was on his motorcycle when he came upon a vehicle traveling 20 mph under the speed limit. He rode behind them for approximately 2 minutes before deciding to pass. As he was passing, the vehicle made a sudden and erratic departure from the lane, side-swiping our client as he drove past. The driver left the scene and was never identified. The insurance company made it very clear to our client that they didn’t believe him and weren’t going to pay a dime. We forcefully explained to the insurance company that our client’s statement of the events of the crash must be considered, as per Missouri law. After fighting them for a few months, they relinquished and offered the maximum amount on all the insurance policies he owned.


$2,500,000 Auto Accident Settlement


Our client was in the back of a pickup truck being driven to a river with friends for a boat trip. A bus driver went around them on a two-lane road, merged back into their lane, and cut them off. The pickup ran off the road and crashed. Our client sustained injuries to her back and underwent epidural steroid injections among other treatments. We determined the bus driver did not have a license to drive a bus, but his employer allowed him to drive anyway. The bus driver ditched the bus and tried to hide from the police. One of the insurance companies involved tried to say they didn’t have to pay a dime and they later changed their mind and added $99,000 to the settlement.


Our client, a young woman, suffered a fractured hip that required surgery. She made a great recovery but had a large scar from the surgery. The insurance company initially offered $95,000 and the end case result was a policy limit offer of $500,000.


Our client, a middle-aged woman, was struck by a commercial vehicle at a stoplight. She sustained a neck injury that required numerous injections, physical therapy and she was recommended to undergo surgery. She had pre-existing neck injuries from a few years before the crash that were similar to those suffered in this crash. We had a doctor examine her and explain how the injuries suffered in this collision caused her prior injury to worsen.


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Our client was an elderly gentleman with multiple pre-existing medical conditions. His vehicle was struck by an inattentive driver towing a lawn care trailer. He sustained some injuries, but his pre-existing conditions worsened after the crash. The insurance company didn’t believe what we were telling them about his pre-existing conditions worsening. We found a multiple sclerosis research doctor that examined him, studied his medical records, and spoke to family members about his condition before the crash. The doctor provided his medical opinion stating the physical and mental trauma from the collision caused his conditions to worsen at a faster rate than they would have had the collision not occurred.


$2M Auto Accident Settlement


$4,250,000 Auto Accident Settlement


Two clients of ours were teenaged cousins. They were best friends and were driving home from a friend’s house. Another friend was heading the same way home and was driving in the wrong lane of traffic next to them. The friend lost control due to not paying attention and struck our client’s vehicle. The insurance company of the friend claimed our clients were also driving dangerously and they were partially to blame for the collision. We proved this was not true and reached a fair settlement agreement for both clients.

$125,000 & $150,000

Our client was a retired police officer. He was riding a motorcycle and was forced off the road by another driver. The other driver left the scene. The insurance company didn’t believe his story. He retained us and the insurance company quickly changed their tune. He suffered minor injuries.


Our client’s sister was driving erratically and crashed the vehicle. Turns out she did not have a valid driver’s license or auto insurance. He was a mentally handicapped man and his condition worsened due to his injuries from the crash. We made an uninsured motorist claim with his father’s auto insurance policy.


Our client was struck by a motorist without any auto insurance. We made an uninsured motorist claim with his own insurance company and recovered a fair settlement amount.


Our client was a janitor and was struck by a FedEx vehicle and sustained back pain. She underwent chiropractic treatment and pain management injections. She was told she did not need surgery.


Our client, a middle-aged woman, was struck by a drunk driver in the middle of the day. She sustained injuries to her neck and back.


Our client was driving at midnight to pick up his daughter at a friend’s house, she couldn’t sleep at the sleepover. A cow had escaped from a nearby farm and was in the road. He crested a hill and collided with the cow on the other side. He sustained hand and neck injuries which interfered with his ability to perform his job.


Our client was one of the nicest and most sincere people I’d ever met. She’d recently been let go by her employer and was in a tough spot financially. She was then struck by another driver and sustained injuries to her hand. She was a waitress, so the hand injury interfered with her ability to be employed. We reached a policy limit settlement.


An oncoming vehicle drifted into our client’s lane and our client was forced to take the ditch. The at-fault driver left the scene and was never identified. Our client’s statement about the events was completely ignored by his insurance company and they refused to pay for his injuries. When we stepped in, they changed their mind and made a policy to limit settlement offers.
