St. Louis Wrongful Death Attorneys

Losing a loved one in a fatal accident in St. Louis, Missouri, is an unimaginable tragedy, especially when their death could have been prevented. If you’re facing this heartache due to someone else’s negligence, an experienced St. Louis wrongful death lawyer can help you seek justice and compensation for your loss.

Wrongful death laws in Missouri allow grieving families to pursue legal action against those responsible for their loved one’s death. However, going up against powerful insurance companies can be overwhelming, as their primary goal is to minimize payouts. Beck & Beck Car Accident Lawyers are here to protect your family’s rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Insurance companies often prioritize their interests over yours, using their vast resources and legal teams to reduce or deny claims. They might attempt to shift the blame onto your loved one or downplay the impact of their loss on your family. Our experienced wrongful death attorneys in St. Louis, Missouri, believe that every family deserves fair and compassionate legal representation, and we’re dedicated to fighting for justice on your behalf.

What Are Some Examples of Wrongful Death in St. Louis, Missouri?

Wrongful death claims in St. Louis, Missouri, often arise from tragic motor vehicle accidents. These claims allow grieving families to seek justice when a loved one’s life is lost due to another party’s negligence or misconduct. In a bustling city like St. Louis, the risk of fatal accidents is heightened, making it crucial to understand the scenarios that could lead to a wrongful death claim.

Auto Accidents

Car accidents are a leading cause of wrongful death in St. Louis, with the city reporting alarmingly high numbers each year. In 2022, St. Louis City alone recorded 107 traffic fatalities, a stark reminder of drivers’ dangers on these busy streets.

Missouri saw 1,015 traffic fatalities in the same year, with urban areas like St. Louis experiencing exceptionally high risks due to congested roadways and increased traffic flow.

Urban traffic fatalities are notably higher in densely populated areas, and St. Louis is no exception. The combination of distracted driving, speeding, and other negligent behaviors contributes to these tragic outcomes. The impact of these accidents extends beyond the immediate loss, leaving families to cope with emotional and financial devastation.

Motorcycle Crashes

Motorcyclists in St. Louis are among the most vulnerable road users, facing significantly higher risks than those in cars. Without the protective barriers that vehicles provide, motorcyclists are exposed to severe injuries or fatalities in the event of a collision.

In Missouri, motorcycle fatalities accounted for a disproportionate number of traffic deaths, with motorcyclists being nearly 28 times more likely than car occupants to die in a crash per mile traveled.

The state has implemented various awareness campaigns to highlight the dangers motorcyclists face, particularly during peak riding seasons. Despite these efforts, motorcycle accidents continue to result in tragic outcomes, often leading to wrongful death claims as families seek justice for their loved ones.

Our experienced St. Louis wrongful death lawyers fight to ensure surviving members of the victim’s family are compensated fairly.

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are another significant cause of wrongful death in St. Louis, where the presence of large commercial vehicles on city streets poses a constant danger. Due to their size and weight, trucks can cause catastrophic damage in collisions, often resulting in fatalities.

In 2022, Missouri reported 146 deaths involving commercial motor vehicles, underscoring the severe impact of these accidents.

The dense traffic in urban areas like St. Louis increases the likelihood of truck accidents as these large vehicles navigate crowded streets. When a loved one is lost in a truck accident, the emotional and financial toll on the family is immense, leading many to pursue wrongful death claims against the responsible parties.

Accidents Involving Pedestrians

Pedestrian accidents have become an increasing concern in St. Louis, with the city experiencing a sharp rise in fatalities. In 2022, pedestrian deaths in Missouri jumped by 7.5%, highlighting the growing dangers for those on foot. The risks are particularly high in urban areas like St. Louis, where busy intersections and heavy traffic create hazardous pedestrian conditions.

The combination of distracted driving, speeding, and inadequate crosswalks contributes to the high number of pedestrian fatalities. These accidents often leave families devastated and searching for justice, leading to wrongful death claims against negligent drivers.

Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists in St. Louis face significant risks, especially in an urban environment where traffic is dense and cycling infrastructure may be lacking. Distracted drivers and congested streets compound the dangers of cycling in such a busy city. Bicyclists are particularly vulnerable in collisions with motor vehicles, as they lack the protective barriers that drivers enjoy.

In 2022, Missouri saw a worrying number of bicycle fatalities, many of which occurred in urban areas like St. Louis. These tragic accidents often result in wrongful death claims as families seek to hold responsible parties accountable for their loss.

Uber and Lyft Accidents

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular in St. Louis but are not without risks. As more people rely on rideshare services for transportation, accidents involving Uber and Lyft are on the rise.

The nature of these accidents can be complex, involving multiple parties, including the rideshare company, the driver, and other vehicles. In St. Louis, the rise in Uber and Lyft accidents has led to more wrongful death claims as families seek justice for loved ones lost in these tragic incidents. Determining liability in such cases can be challenging, but ensuring families receive the compensation they deserve is crucial.

Defective Products

In some cases, wrongful death in St. Louis results from defects in motor vehicles. Defective parts, such as faulty brakes, airbags, or steering mechanisms, can lead to catastrophic accidents. When a defect on a public transit bus, a semi-truck, or automobile, causes a fatal accident, the manufacturer or designer of the vehicle may be held liable in a wrongful death claim.

Tire blowouts, engine failures, and electrical malfunctions are common vehicle defects that have led to wrongful death claims. These cases often require detailed investigations to determine the exact cause of the defect and hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence.

For immediate legal assistance from an experienced St. Louis wrongful death attorney, contact our legal team today. We offer free case evaluations and are never too busy to speak with you.

Who Can I Sue For a Wrongful Death in St. Louis, Missouri?

When a motor vehicle accident leads to the death of a loved one, the driver who caused the crash can be held accountable. However, the driver might not be the only liable party. Depending on the circumstances, others, such as the vehicle’s owner, the driver’s employer, or even a car manufacturer, could also be held responsible if their actions or negligence contributed to the fatal accident.

Negligence and Liability in St. Louis Wrongful Death Cases

To hold someone liable in a wrongful death case, it’s crucial to establish negligence. In Missouri, this involves proving four key elements: duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages.

First, you must show that the defendant owed a duty of care to your loved one, like obeying traffic laws. Then, you need to prove that this duty was breached through careless or reckless behavior.

After that, it must be demonstrated that this breach directly caused the accident and subsequent death. Finally, you must show that the death resulted in specific damages, such as emotional and financial suffering.

Understanding who can be sued and the role of negligence is essential in pursuing a wrongful death claim. While the process can be complex, establishing these elements is vital for building a solid case against those responsible for your loved one’s death.

To learn more about liability in fatal accident claims, reach out to our skilled and experienced St. Louis wrongful death lawyers. We offer free consultations.

How Is Liability Proven in a Wrongful or Accident Death Claim in St. Louis, Missouri?

Proving liability in a wrongful or accident death claim in St. Louis, Missouri, involves showing that the defendant’s negligence directly caused the death of your loved one. This requires establishing that the defendant breached a duty of care, leading to the tragic outcome.

Duty of Care: The first step is to demonstrate that the defendant owed a duty of care to the deceased. A duty of care means an obligation to act responsibly to ensure the safety of others. For example, drivers must follow traffic laws and drive safely to protect others. If someone fails to uphold this duty by driving recklessly or while distracted, they can be deemed negligent.

Breach of That Duty: Next, you must prove that the defendant breached this duty of care. A breach occurs when the defendant’s actions are unreasonable or careless compared to what a typical person would do in a similar situation. For instance, a driver who runs a red light and causes a fatal accident has breached their duty to obey traffic laws.

Demonstrating Causation: After proving a breach of duty, it is necessary to show that this breach directly caused the death. This is known as causation.

There must be a clear connection between the defendant’s negligent actions and the fatal incident. For example, if a driver’s reckless behavior leads to a collision that causes a death, their negligence is the direct cause.

Damages: Finally, you need to prove that the death resulted in specific damages. These can include emotional suffering, loss of companionship, and financial burdens like funeral costs. Proving damages is essential in determining the compensation the family deserves.

Building a Solid Case

Building a solid wrongful death case involves collecting evidence such as accident reports, medical records, and expert testimony. These elements are crucial in establishing negligence and proving liability.

Missouri’s wrongful death statute, R.S.Mo. § 537.080, outlines who can file a claim and the legal grounds for doing so. Understanding this law is vital in navigating the complexities of wrongful death claims and ensuring a solid legal foundation.

By establishing duty, breach, causation, and damages, you can build a compelling case to hold the responsible parties accountable and seek the compensation your family deserves.

To understand more about accidental death claims and your rights, contact an experienced St. Louis personal injury lawyer at our law firm. We can help you understand your legal options and begin healing during this challenging time.

What if The Victim Was Partially Responsible For the Fatal Accident in St. Louis?

In some cases, the victim may have been partially responsible for the accident that led to their death. If this happens, Missouri’s comparative negligence laws come into play. Comparative negligence allows for the possibility that more than one party, including the victim, may share responsibility for the accident.

Comparative Negligence in Missouri

Missouri follows a “pure comparative negligence” rule. This means that even if the victim was partially at fault for the accident, the surviving family can still pursue a wrongful death claim. However, the compensation awarded will be reduced by the percentage of the victim’s fault. For example, if the victim was found to be 30% responsible for the accident, the compensation awarded to the family would be reduced by 30%.

Shared Fault and Its Impact

When determining liability, the court will assess the actions of all parties involved, including the victim. If it is found that the victim’s actions contributed to the accident, this shared fault will affect the final compensation. The key is that the surviving family can still recover damages, even if the victim’s own negligence played a role in the fatal incident.

Understanding how comparative negligence works in Missouri is crucial when dealing with wrongful death claims where the victim may have been partially responsible. By acknowledging shared fault, the legal process ensures that compensation is fair and reflects the actual circumstances of the accident.

What Can I Be Compensated For Through My Wrongful Death Claim in St. Louis?

When filing a wrongful death claim in St. Louis, Missouri, you may be entitled to several forms of compensation. This compensation is designed to address both the financial impact and emotional distress caused by the untimely death of your loved one due to someone else’s negligence.

Types of Compensation You May Be Eligible For

Economic Damages:

  • Medical Expenses: These include all medical costs related to the treatment of your loved one before their passing. This might cover hospital bills, surgeries, medications, and other necessary medical care before death.
  • Funeral and Burial Costs: The expenses associated with funerals and burials can be significant. Compensation can cover these costs, easing the financial burden on the family during an already difficult time.
  • Loss of Income and Benefits: If your loved one contributed financially to your household, the loss of their income and employment benefits, such as health insurance or retirement benefits, can be devastating. Compensation for lost wages and benefits helps to mitigate the financial impact on surviving family members.
  • Loss of Services: This covers the value of the services your loved one provided, such as childcare, household maintenance, or other contributions that now must be replaced at an additional cost.

Non-Economic Damages:

  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation may be awarded for the pain and suffering your loved one endured before their death. This includes the physical pain and emotional distress they experienced as a result of the accident or injury.
  • Loss of Companionship and Support: The emotional toll of losing a loved one is immeasurable. Non-economic damages can include compensation for the loss of companionship, guidance, and emotional support the deceased provided. This is especially important for spouses, children, and other close family members who relied on the deceased for emotional and moral support.
  • Mental Anguish: The emotional impact of your loved one’s death on surviving family members is also recognized. Compensation for mental anguish is intended to address the grief, anxiety, and other emotional suffering experienced by those left behind.

Punitive Damages:

  • Punishment for Egregious Conduct: In cases where the defendant’s actions were particularly reckless, malicious, or intentional, punitive damages may be awarded. These damages are not meant to compensate for specific losses but rather to punish the defendant and discourage similar behavior in the future.
  • Deterrence of Future Negligence: Punitive damages convey to others that such behavior will not be tolerated, potentially preventing similar incidents.

By seeking comprehensive compensation through a wrongful death claim, you can address the various financial and emotional losses you have suffered. This holistic approach helps ensure that your family’s needs are met, both now and in the future, as you navigate the aftermath of your loved one’s death.

For a deeper look into damages you can recover in a wrongful death lawsuit, contact our skilled and experienced St. Louis wrongful death lawyers today.

Are There Damage Caps For Fatal Car Accident Claims in St. Louis, Missouri?

There are no damage caps for fatal car accident claims in St. Louis, Missouri. This means that there is no maximum limit on the amount of compensation you can receive in a wrongful death lawsuit related to a deadly car accident.

This allows families to seek total compensation for all their economic and non-economic losses without a predefined limit. You can pursue damages that reflect the true extent of the financial impact and emotional suffering caused by the death of a loved one.

Is There a Time Limit for Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in St. Louis, Missouri?

In St. Louis, Missouri, there is a specific time limit within which you must file a wrongful death lawsuit. This limit is established by the statute of limitations, which dictates how long you have to bring legal action after the death of your loved one.

Statute of Limitations for Fatal Accidents

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is three years from the date of the decedent’s death. This means that you must file your lawsuit within three years of the date your loved one passed away to preserve your right to seek compensation. If you miss this deadline, you may lose the ability to pursue legal action and recover damages.

The statute governing wrongful death claims in Missouri is detailed in R.S.Mo. § 537.100. This law outlines the time limits and procedural requirements for filing a wrongful death lawsuit. It is crucial to understand these guidelines to ensure that your claim is filed within the appropriate timeframe.

Filing your wrongful death lawsuit within the statute of limitations is essential to ensure your claim is valid. Delaying or failing to file within three years can result in your case being barred from court, leaving you without legal recourse.

The Insurance Company Is Offering Me a Settlement For My Wrongful Death Claim. Should I Accept It?

Receiving a settlement offer from an insurance company for a wrongful death claim can be tempting, but it’s crucial to proceed with caution.

Insurance companies often aim to pay as little as possible. They may offer a low settlement to settle quickly, which might only cover some of your damages. Accepting this offer prematurely can lead to inadequate compensation.

Initial offers from insurance companies are frequently lower than what your claim is worth. These lowball offers are intended to get you to settle before fully understanding your financial and emotional losses.

Insurance companies might shift some blame onto the victim to reduce their liability. This strategy can unfairly lower the settlement amount.

An insurance adjuster may seem friendly and sympathetic, but remember, their goal is to settle the claim for less. Their friendliness is often a tactic to gain your trust and get you to accept a lower offer.

What Should You Do?

Before accepting any settlement, consult with an experienced wrongful death attorney n St. Louis, Missouri. They can assess the offer, ensure it reflects the actual value of your claim, and negotiate for a fair settlement. This helps ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

St. Louis, Missouri

Losing a loved one in a fatal accident can be overwhelming. St. Louis, Missouri, has resources to support families through this difficult time.

Annie’s Hope offers grief support for children, teens, and families. Their programs help individuals navigate their loss and find healing.

Avenues Counseling provides professional grief counseling to individuals and families. Their services are tailored to help you cope with loss.

Change Inc. offers specialized grief counseling to help families deal with their loss. They provide resources and support to guide you through your grieving process.

These resources can offer valuable support and help you find healing.

Experienced Wrongful Death Law Firm in St. Louis, Missouri

After the tragic loss of a loved one due to a fatal accident, having an experienced legal team by your side can make all the difference. Beck & Beck Car Accident Lawyers are dedicated to providing compassionate and skilled legal representation for wrongful death claims in St. Louis.

Our team understands the complexities of wrongful death lawsuits and works tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us today and let us help you secure justice for your family during this difficult time.

Some of the locations which our legal team serves include Florissant, Maplewood, Clayton, Central West End, Richmond Heights, Wellston, University City, and more.