Florissant Bicycle Accident Attorneys

The risk of bicycle riders in Florissant, Missouri, being involved in serious accidents with motor vehicles continues to rise. Cyclists face increasing dangers from larger, more powerful vehicles, leading to devastating injuries.

Recent data from the National Safety Council shows that 712 cyclists were tragically killed in collisions with motor vehicles across the nation in a single year. Closer to home, the Missouri Department of Public Safety reported four cyclist fatalities and 500 injuries from similar accidents in just one year.

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident caused by a negligent driver in Florissant, an experienced Florissant bicycle accident lawyer can help you pursue the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Imagine this: you’re biking up to Pirrone’s Pizzeria when a speeding driver on Washington Street strikes you, leaving you injured and abandoned at the scene. Or perhaps you’re riding home from McCluer High School and are hit by a distracted driver on S. New Florissant Road.

In either case, you shouldn’t have to bear the burden of recovery alone. An experienced bicycle accident attorney in Florissant, Missouri, can ensure you receive fair compensation to help cover your medical bills, pain and suffering, and other related losses.

Do Accidents Involving Bicyclists Occur Often in Florissant, Missouri?

Bicycle accidents are a significant concern in Missouri, particularly in urban areas like Florissant. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, there were 342 accidents involving pedalcyclists in 2022, with many resulting in severe injuries.

Urban environments accounted for a majority of these incidents, including six fatal crashes and 276 injuries. Nationwide, the problem is equally troubling, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 966 cyclists were killed in 2021, a 1.9% increase from the previous year.

Closer to home, the safety of cyclists in St. Louis has become a critical issue. With pedestrian and cyclist fatalities on the rise, Mayor Tishaura Jones has proposed using $40 million in federal funds to improve road safety through traffic-calming measures. While these efforts aim to protect vulnerable road users, the risk remains high for cyclists throughout Florissant and Missouri.

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident due to a negligent driver, an experienced Florissant bicycle accident lawyer from our law firm can help you seek compensation for your injuries. Attorneys John Beck and Paul Beck can guide you through the legal process and help you pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and more.

What Are Some Factors Contributing To All These Bicycle Accidents in Florissant, Missouri?

Bicycle accidents in Florissant, Missouri, are often extremely serious, leaving cyclists with severe injuries due to their lack of protection compared to motor vehicle occupants. Several factors contribute to the frequency of these accidents, ranging from driver negligence to environmental hazards and faulty equipment.

Understanding these contributing factors is crucial in determining liability and securing compensation for injured cyclists.

  • Driver Negligence: A leading cause of bicycle accidents, driver negligence can take many forms, each increasing the likelihood of a collision:
    • Failure to Yield: Drivers often fail to yield the right of way to cyclists, particularly at intersections or when making turns. This oversight can lead to dangerous side-impact collisions.
    • Distracted Driving: With the rise of smartphones, distracted driving has become a significant issue. Drivers texting, talking on the phone, or using GPS while driving are more likely to overlook cyclists, resulting in serious accidents.
    • Driving Under the Influence: Alcohol or drug impairment slows reaction times and impairs judgment, making it more difficult for drivers to notice and safely maneuver around cyclists.
    • Speeding and Reckless Driving: Excessive speed or aggressive driving near cyclists reduces the time available to avoid collisions, leading to more severe injuries for the cyclist.
  • Poor Road Conditions: Dangerous road conditions are another major contributor to bicycle accidents in Florissant, Missouri. While driver negligence is often a factor, the state of the road itself can play a significant role:
    • Potholes and Uneven Pavement: These hazards can cause cyclists to lose control of their bikes, leading to falls or crashes with nearby vehicles.
    • Debris on the Road: Items such as gravel, tree branches, or litter can create dangerous obstacles for cyclists, forcing them into traffic or causing them to crash.
    • Malfunctioning Traffic Signals: Broken or poorly timed traffic lights can confuse both drivers and cyclists, increasing the likelihood of an accident.
    • Lack of Bike Lanes or Clear Signage: Inadequate infrastructure, such as missing or poorly maintained bike lanes, can force cyclists to share the road with cars in unsafe conditions.
  • Defective Bicycle Parts: In some cases, the accident may be caused by a defect in the bicycle itself. Cyclists depend on their equipment to function properly, but when that equipment fails, it can lead to serious injuries. Common defects include:
    • Brake Failures: If a bicycle’s brakes malfunction, the rider may not be able to stop in time to avoid a collision.
    • Tire or Wheel Defects: Poorly made or defective tires can blow out or cause wobbling, making it difficult for the cyclist to maintain control.
    • Frame or Steering Defects: Faulty frames or steering mechanisms can cause the bike to collapse or handle poorly, leading to dangerous accidents.
    • Safety Gear Malfunctions: In some cases, a cyclist’s helmet or other protective gear may fail to provide adequate protection, resulting in more severe injuries.
  • Commercial Vehicle Involvement: When a commercial driver, such as a delivery truck or rideshare driver, contributes to a bicycle accident, the liability may extend beyond just the driver. The company employing the driver may also be responsible for the accident if it can be shown that improper training, overwork, or other factors contributed to the driver’s negligence.
  • Environmental Factors: Weather and visibility conditions can also contribute to bicycle accidents. Fog, heavy rain, or poorly lit roads make it harder for drivers to see cyclists, especially if the cyclists don’t have proper lighting or reflective gear on their bikes.

Given these various factors, injured cyclists often face a complex legal battle when seeking compensation. If a cyclist is injured due to a negligent driver, poor road conditions, or defective bike parts, they may be able to pursue damages from multiple parties.

In many cases, the negligent driver’s insurance policy will be the first avenue for compensation, but other responsible entities, such as a commercial driver’s employer or a government entity responsible for road maintenance, may also be liable.

To learn more about the common causes of bicycle accidents, contact our experienced Florissant bicycle accident attorneys today. We offer free case evaluations and are never too busy to speak with you. 

Are There Laws For Bicycle Riders in Florissant, Missouri?

Bicycle riders in Florissant, Missouri, are subject to specific rules and protections under state law. Like motorists, cyclists must follow the same traffic laws to ensure their safety on the road. However, Missouri has additional regulations tailored specifically for bicycle operation, ensuring both safety and compliance.

For instance, cyclists must ride as close as possible to the right-hand side of the road, except when preparing for a left turn or when the lane is too narrow to accommodate both a bicycle and a vehicle side by side.

Additionally, bicycles operated at night must be equipped with a front-facing white light visible within 500 feet and a rear red reflector for visibility. Cyclists must also have reflective materials on their pedals or shoes, visible from 200 feet away, and on each side of their bicycle.

Drivers must also respect these laws, keeping a safe distance from cyclists when passing and avoiding bike lanes unless turning or crossing. In the event of an accident caused by poor road conditions or faulty bicycle parts, multiple parties, including government entities or manufacturers, may share responsibility.

To learn more about Missouri bicycle laws, reach out to an experienced Florissant bicycle accident lawyer at our law firm today. We offer free consultations.

What Are the Rights of Bicycle Riders in Florissant, Missouri?

Bicyclists in Missouri have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers. This means they must follow traffic laws, use hand signals when turning, and avoid riding on sidewalks. However, certain exceptions exist, such as restrictions on bicycle use on interstate highways. Missouri also requires cyclists to use lights and reflectors from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise.

While helmets are not mandated statewide, many local jurisdictions within Missouri require them, especially for younger cyclists. It is always best to check local laws to ensure compliance.

In Missouri, drivers are required to yield to cyclists and treat them as they would any other vehicle on the road. Unfortunately, many accidents occur when drivers fail to give cyclists the right of way or do not see them in time. Whether it’s due to a motorist turning without noticing a cyclist or failing to leave enough space when passing, these accidents often result from driver inattention.

If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident in Florissant, Missouri, it’s essential to know that your legal rights are equivalent to those of motorists. Just like drivers, cyclists must follow the same traffic laws, but they also enjoy the same protections under the law.

This means that if a motorist’s negligence leads to your injury, you have the right to pursue compensation for your losses.

How Do You Determine Fault in a Bicycle Accident in Florissant, Missouri?

Determining fault in a bicycle accident requires examining several factors, including negligence, road conditions, and the possibility of defective products. In Missouri, proving fault is crucial to recovering compensation for injuries and losses.

Proving Negligence

In a bicycle accident case, negligence occurs when one party fails to exercise reasonable care, causing harm to another. To recover damages, the following elements must be proven:

  1. The driver owed the cyclist a duty of care.
  2. The driver breached that duty.
  3. The breach caused the accident.
  4. The cyclist suffered injuries as a result.

In Missouri, drivers must operate their vehicles with the “highest degree of care.” This means drivers must obey traffic laws, avoid distractions like texting, and yield the right of way when necessary. If the driver fails to do so and an accident occurs, they may be considered negligent. For example, disobeying a traffic signal or failing to look for cyclists when turning could establish fault.

Poor Road Conditions

Not all bicycle accidents result from driver negligence. Poor road conditions can also be a significant factor. If a crash occurs because of hazards like potholes, missing guardrails, or poorly maintained roads, the municipality responsible for maintaining those roads may be liable. Cyclists are entitled to safe conditions, and when a government entity fails in this responsibility, they can be held accountable for damages.

Defective Bicycle Parts

In some cases, the accident may be due to faulty or defective bicycle parts. If a component on the bike fails, leading to an accident, the manufacturer or distributor may be responsible. Both bicycle and motor vehicle manufacturers are required to produce safe products, and a failure to do so can result in liability for any injuries caused.

Comparative Negligence in Missouri

Missouri follows a comparative negligence system, which means that if the cyclist is found partially at fault for the accident, their compensation will be reduced by their percentage of fault. For example, if the cyclist is deemed 20% responsible, their compensation will be reduced by 20%. This rule applies to both cyclists and drivers, ensuring that all parties involved are held accountable for their role in the accident.

To learn more about liability in bicycle accident claims, reach out to our skilled Florissant personal injury lawyers today. We can help you understand your rights after an accident or injury.

What Are Some Reasons a Bicyclist Could Be At-Fault For The Accident in Florissant?

While drivers often bear responsibility for bicycle accidents, there are situations where the cyclist’s actions could contribute to the incident. Insurance companies may argue that the cyclist is partially at fault, potentially reducing compensation. Common reasons why cyclists might share blame include:

  • The bicycle lacked required lights or reflectors, making it difficult for drivers to see.
  • The cyclist was riding on the wrong side of the street or sidewalk.
  • Failure to observe traffic signals, such as stopping at red lights or yielding at intersections.
  • Distraction from using a smartphone or listening to music while riding.
  • Engaging in sudden or dangerous maneuvers that surprised other road users.
  • Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Not wearing a helmet, leading to more severe injuries, even though helmets aren’t legally required in all cases.

If you’re involved in an accident and facing claims of partial fault, an experienced Florissant bicycle accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and defend against unfair blame. 

How Do Missouri’s Comparative Fault Laws Work in Bicycle Accident Claims?

In Missouri, bicycle accident claims follow the “pure comparative fault” system, meaning both the cyclist and the driver involved in the accident can share responsibility. Under Missouri Revised Statute Section 537.765, a cyclist can still recover damages even if they are partly to blame for the accident. However, their compensation will be reduced based on the percentage of fault assigned to them.

For instance, if a bicycle accident lawyer in Florissant, Missouri determines that you sustained $100,000 in damages but were 30% at fault for the accident, you can still recover 70% of the settlement, or $70,000. Even if your level of fault is higher, such as 60%, you are still eligible to recover the remaining 40% of the damages.

This statute ensures that even if partial blame is attributed to the cyclist, they are not barred from seeking compensation. If you’ve been in an accident, consulting with an experienced Florissant bicycle accident lawyer is crucial to navigating these laws and pursuing the compensation you deserve.

What is My Bicycle Accident Claim Worth in Florissant, Missouri?

When you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident in Florissant, Missouri, one of your primary concerns may be the compensation you could receive for your losses. Bicycle accidents can result in significant financial stress, particularly if your injuries require extended medical treatment or time away from work.

Even in less severe cases, medical bills and lost income can pile up, making it crucial to seek proper compensation for your damages.

The exact value of your claim depends on various factors, such as the extent of your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and any pain and suffering you’ve endured. A Florissant bicycle accident lawyer will carefully review your case to help determine the fair amount you should pursue.

Whether you’ve suffered minor injuries or long-term conditions like head trauma or spinal cord injuries, your compensation may cover:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost income due to inability to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Property damage, such as damage to your bike

Each case is unique, and without a detailed review, it’s difficult to estimate the full value of your claim. By consulting with a skilled Florissant bicycle accident attorney, you can gain a better understanding of the potential compensation available to you. 

Experienced Bicycle Lawyers in Florissant, Missouri

At Beck & Beck Car Accident Lawyers, our dedicated team understands the challenges you face after a bicycle accident in Florissant. With years of experience handling personal injury claims, we are committed to securing the compensation you deserve for your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Attorneys Paul Beck and John Beck will guide you through every step of the legal process, providing personalized and compassionate support. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can help you recover and move forward with confidence.

Locations near Florissant which our legal team serves include St. Louis, Calverton Park, Dellwood, Castle Point, Black Jack, Moline Acres, and more.

Bicycle Accident Resources

Bicycle Safety – https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/bicycle-safety